meet Audrey
Audrey Jaber
You know Audrey Jaber is performing if the room is buzzing at a higher level. Her fiddling, featured in bands including The Free Raisins, The Gaslight Tinkers, Audacious (with Larry Unger), and Wake Up Robin, has electrified dance and concert halls across the US and Europe. Hailing from Honolulu and now living in California, she cut her folk teeth in the Boston area, attending Berklee College of Music and spending years exploring the thriving New England folk scene. Audrey’s fiddle playing is rhythmically lively and spontaneous; she's guaranteed to get you up and dancing. She specializes in English dance, New England, Celtic, and Old Time tunes (and did we mention she’s also an audio engineer?!). You might also have taken a workshop with Audrey, as she’s been on staff at various camps including various weeks at Pinewoods, Ashokan Northern Week, BACDS American week, New London Assembly and Halsway Manor. For more on Audrey, visit her at
Select Camps and Festivals Audrey Has Played and Taught
American Week - BACDS (CA)
Ashokan Northern Week (NY)
Camp Cavell Music Camp - CDSS (MI)
Contra Dancers Delight Holiday Summer (TN)
English Week at Pinewoods - CDSS (MA)
ESCape at Pinewoods - RSCDS/CDS-BC (MA)
FolkDays International Session at Pinewoods - FAC (MA)
Harmony Week at Pinewoods - CDSS (MA)
Hey Days English Week - BACDS (CA)
John C. Campbell Folk School (NC)
Labor Day Weekend at Pinewoods - FAC/CDS-BC (MA)
New London Assembly (CT/PA)
Ogontz Family Camp - CDSS (NH)
Swing Into Summer at Pinewoods - CDS-BC (MA)
Timber Ridge American Musician Course - CDSS (WV)
Burning Man - Contra Camp (NV)
Dance Flurry (NY)
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival (NY)
LEAF (Lake Eden Arts Festival) (NC)
Old Songs Folk Festival (NY)
Oldtone Roots Music Festival (NY)
Seattle Folklife Festival (WA)